Project Title:

Analysis of the Characteristics and Development Trend of Korean Film and Television Creation in the Context of Streaming Media Industry Development

Role: Data Analyst and Visualisation Specialist

Project Description: This project aimed to analyse the characteristics and development trends of the South Korean film and television industry within the evolving streaming media landscape. The objective was to provide actionable insights for film and television creators adapting to new media platforms and to contribute to interdisciplinary film studies through quantitative analysis.

Project Background: This research investigates the evolution of the South Korean film and television industry within the context of streaming media development. It aims to provide forward-looking insights for film and television creation in the new media era and enhance interdisciplinary film studies. The study employs a cross-disciplinary approach integrating film studies, digital humanities, and computer science, utilising quantitative film studies methods. It combines qualitative and quantitative research to analyse the characteristics and trends of South Korean film and television works in terms of editing length, points, and narrative structures. The research process includes an overview of South Korean film creation in the streaming media context, analysis of the distinctive features of South Korean films on streaming platforms, inference of development trends, and identification of current challenges and their causes. This study not only fills the gap in quantitative research in the humanities but also provides valuable insights for China's burgeoning streaming media industry, aiming to enhance the international influence of Chinese film and television works.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Data Collection and Analysis:

    • Utilised Python to scrape and compile a database of Korean films and TV shows available on Netflix from 2019 to 2023.

    • Extracted data points including editing length, editing points, narrative structure, and genre distribution.

    • Employed quantitative research methods to analyse these data points, identifying patterns and trends in Korean film and television production.

  2. Visualisation and Interpretation:

    • Leveraged Cinemetrics, a film analysis tool, to visualise editing patterns such as Average Shot Length (ASL), Median Shot Length (MSL), and shot frequency.

    • Generated visual representations of data using charts and graphs to illustrate the editing techniques and narrative styles of selected case studies.

    • Conducted in-depth visual analysis of specific episodes from notable series like "Kingdom," "Extracurricular," "Hellbound," "Squid Game," and "All of Us Are Dead."

  3. Cross-Disciplinary Approach:

    • Integrated theories from film studies, digital humanities, and computer science to provide a holistic analysis of the streaming media's impact on Korean film and television.

    • Applied a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods to offer a comprehensive understanding of the industry's evolution.

Project Outcomes:

  • Identified key trends such as the "Americanisation" of Korean TV dramas, characterised by faster pacing and increased use of special effects, aligning more closely with global viewing preferences.

  • Highlighted the dual impact of streaming platforms, bringing both increased international exposure and challenges related to maintaining creative originality and cultural identity.

  • Offered insights into the potential paths for the Chinese film and television industry to adapt and thrive in the streaming era, drawing lessons from the Korean experience.

Skills and Tools:

  • Data Scraping and Analysis: Python

  • Film Analysis: Cinemetrics

  • Data Visualisation: Excel

  • Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

This project underscores the importance of data-driven decision-making in the creative industries, demonstrating how quantitative analysis and visualisation can reveal critical insights into content production and audience engagement trends.

As this paper has not been published yet, the code and detailed content are not included in this page, please send me message or email if you would like to know more about this project.